In the interest of protecting your eyesight, I’ve bumped up the font on the body copy of the blog by a couple of points.
It looks good on all the machines I can test it on, but if things look wacky on your machine, will you leave a comment on this post and let me know? Thanks as always!
yea, this font size is good … I am using google chrome on Windows 7 …
I always prefer bigger fonts 🙂
dinus last blog post..Now, it’s Okay to be Gay in India.
I really hate those websites with teeny tiny fonts, and use the browser’s “increase font size” lavishly.
Let’s hope more people will follow.
PS. (obviously) it looks great in the latest version of Safari.
Jamies last blog post..Meeting the Red Cross in Pujehun: Operation Red Cross (and Roadside) Assistance
Looks good!
Looks good – larger fonts are the way to go!
Hi Sonia, it looks good on Firefox too 🙂
Thank you for taking good care of our eyesight!
Nice job, this is a big help, Sonia!
Jared Goralnicks last blog post..2009, part 2: ideas for making this next chapter a promising one
Sonia, I thank you. My eyes thank you. My brain thanks you. That wrinkle between my eyebrows thanks you. And everyone over 40 thanks you, whether they admit it or not.
Marcia Hoecks last blog post..Begin Getting Unstuck and End Your Bottleneck in 15 Minutes
Falling squarely into that category (40+) myself, yep, I like it better too! 🙂
As a firm believer in the need for good web design for the aging eye, I appreciate your bigger font. I wear multifocal contacts which can be a problem with the computer screen. The older user (65+) like myself appreciate your efforts. You may have seen this before but it discusses what I mean.
Looks great on Safari too! Care to share the font size and line spacing?
.-= Emily Geizer´s last blog ..Finding Courage in Desperate Times =-.
Perfect! Good move and your readers love you for it! Thanks.
.-= Zorka Kovacevich´s last blog ..Test-Drive Your Web Site Free In 2-Easy Steps. =-.
Yip, it looks good. Using a Chrome on a Mac
.-= Gino S´s last blog ..Why R800k houses make the best property investments =-.
It looks good even to a one-eyed guy!
Perfect font size on Opera or Firefox. I have my Control panel at 120%, and Opera at 120% Couldn’t see another authors site today, had to copy and paste into Word just to read the article.