Later this week, I’m launching a new project that I hope you’ll find useful.
Back in September, 2019 when I went to Norway and met the incredible community over at Slow Business Adventure, I was struck by the conversations we had around those long wooden tables.
Conversations about business. Conversations about justice and inequality. And conversations about claiming our own strength.
Through the pandemic year, that idea kept bubbling up and refining itself: A new resource called The Fierce. To help people succeed on their own terms, without ignoring the mounting piles of trash (literal and otherwise) happening all over the planet.
Around 10 years ago, I led a program with Copyblogger called Third Tribe. That was all about effective business and marketing advice, without the scummy tactics or the saleshole factor.
In 2021, the dirtbags look a little different. But the need is stronger than ever.
In 2021, I also feel a stronger calling to be more vocal and visible around antiracism and justice issues.
The first issue of The Fierce launches tomorrow. It’s free, and the goal is to get you resources to be:
- More confident
- More creative
- More effective at business and marketing stuff
- Better able to weed out toxically bad advice
- Less apologetic about who you are and what you contribute
The plan is to publish weekly, with the occasional scheduled break so I don’t end up fried to a crisp. You’ll get links and suggestions to sites, books, blog posts, and other things I think will help you stay Fierce.
From time to time, I’ll also let you know about my own program, because it’s excellent and I’m proud of it.
If this sounds like your jam, make sure you’re on my email list. You can use the link below if you aren’t already getting my messages (and I’ll send you a useful report on getting more writing done).
Until then, may The Fierce be with you 🙂
Fiercetastic! Can’t wait to read and learn!