The always excellent Copyblogger posted an interesting meditation on who would miss your blog if it wasn’t there.
Writer Ryan Imel goes on to expand that question to four sound pieces of advice, not just about your blog but about anything you put out into the world, personal or professional.
- Target your audience,
- be unique,
- interact with your readers on a personal level, and
- create content that can’t be duplicated.
"If you follow these principles (notice, not steps—there is no proven formula; relationships don’t have those) you will be sure to see some results."
I especially like that last point. Rather than following a formula, you’re creating a conversation. It has give and take, it communicates respect, and it offers value.
I am only slightly newer to blogging than I am to squidoo. Frankly, I spent too much time trying to learn websites and I am totally delighted that lots of wonderful technogeeks have taken the mystery out of it and left me with the pizzazz. Anyhow, I am making a serious attempt on my blog and these principles sound, well, sound.
My struggle has and continues to be creating that conversation. My family thinks I intimidate. The thing is, I’m not sure I’m reaching my audience yet to even know.
This post is very well stated, thank you.
Daniel Edlens last blog post..VA™ – Now I Can Merchandise Vinyl Art!