It’s official: we’ve passed through the Information Age. Some of us made it, some of us didn’t. Ready or not, the new age is here: the Age of Conversation.
Conversation is the new secret sauce. (It actually has been the secret sauce for a long time, but now we get nifty new tools to engage in more of it, and to hold conversations with a community that includes the entire world.) It’s what creates traffic, connections, recurring visits, referrals, word of mouth. A high-quality conversation makes you a high-quality provider.
"Audience" in the sense of a passive group of people who absorb your message is disappearing. Community is taking its place. And community calls for a whole new set of skills and ways of looking at the world.
To that end, I’m going to be contributing a chapter to a new book on just that theme: The New Age of Conversation. If you click through, be sure and vote on which theme you think the new book should cover. (You don’t have to be a potential author to vote.)
I’ve also added a lot of stuff to my resume lens on Squidoo, morphing it into a discussion of why you need new marketing, what all this social media junk is good for, and how it applies to you if you don’t happen to have just sold your company to Google for $15 billion.
(And if you know of a company that wants a kickass social media marketer, the lens still works just fine as my resume, feel free to pass it along!)
Related reading:
So, how do I get people to join in the conversation? I feel a bit like I’m writing a serialized monologue. A couple people are no longer lurkers, but attention is so precious that dialog isn’t starting. I’d love a suggestion to act on.
Daniel Edlens last blog post..VA™ – Now I Can Merchandise Vinyl Art!