More StumbleUpon selected randomality for your Friday time-wasting needs.
- The Truth
- Lunchballz Appealingly disgusting.
- Jayne Mansfield doing the Twist with a chihuahua In French. Who could resist?
- How to fold a towel elephant
- Google fight Watch two search terms duke it out. Very silly.
- Spamradio Click the "play" button to hear a digital voice reading spam as an audio feed. Nicely mesmerizing.
- The four types of community from Church of the New Customer. Actually relevant to the topic of this blog. (Once in awhile, StumbleUpon Friday is allowed to be useful after all.)
i love that you do this. i discovered stumbleupon a couple of weeks ago…i’m addicted. today, i stumbled upon the world beard championships. freaking fantastic.
Really it’s a way for me to justify fiddling away a few too many hours of my finite lifetime. “It’s for a blog post! It’s RESEARCH!”