By Sonia Simone
OK, as promised, entirely unfiltered notes:
I wouldn’t have thought Chris Garrett would be so darned sweet. Brogan, sure. But ChrisG–gigantic sweetheart.
There are women here! A lot of ’em! It warms my heart to see women at geeky conferences.
It’s not your brand. When you put your brand out for social media to play with, it becomes their (our) brand, and you can’t have it back again.
Best line of the night, bar none, by Christine Kane (who is awesome): Copyblogger would rename "Hey Jude" to "12 Irrefutable Reasons Jude Should Listen to Me."
The Digital Cultural Evangelist for Edelman was there. I wanted to talk with her, then got sidetracked. Damn.
When most people figure out that the great New Social Media is just conversations & relationships, those of us who get a little mileage out of being Those Who Get It are sort of screwed. But we keep putting it out there, keep evangelizing, even though we’re sowing the seeds of our own irrelevance.
More Christine Kane: "A great dream, and a history of playing small . . . Right out of nowhere, you open your heart and that changes everything."
That quote from Christine Kane is the funniest thing ever. Printing and keeping to remind me you can have too much of a good thing.
Enjoy the rest of the conference!
I am not 100% sure Brian thought it was hilarious as I did. But he was a good sport. (He wasn’t there last night, alas, but gave a kickass presentation today.)
Must type up at least a few notes, but I am strongly considering a bath first. We’re supposed to be heading out again at 9.