These are addictive. Stories told in a single sentence.
My favorite so far is:
The next morning she told me she was married, and I told her that I was in her geography class 8 years ago.
Two lessons in this. One, brevity is beautiful. Two, I found it using StumbleUpon, my new favorite thing on the Internet. It’s old hat to the blognoscenti, but perhaps it’s new to you.
Create a StumbleUpon account, use the handy toolbar widget to tell it what you like, and it will propose new things to you that you would never have found on your own. It’s channel surfing, if your television was making educated guesses about what you might like.
You can "stumble" your own stuff for other people to find, too, but make it worthy stuff. There’s no sense in sending a message in a bottle if the message isn’t worth reading.
I am afraid Stumbleupon is new to me. Not new as in never heard of it, but I haven’t ventured there yet. This middleaged mom does her best to keep up but great new things come out much faster than I can run. LOL. Just figured out Squidoo. I love it and you love it so if you also love StumbleUpon, then I had best stumble on over there and figure it out!
StumbleUpon is very fun! And pretty easy to use and set up, also. Not technical at all.
My favorite one sentence story is by Hemmingway:
“For sale: Baby shoes, never worn.”
I saw that for the first time recently–Chuck, maybe it was on your blog? As you’ll see from my “You are perfectly normal” post today, naturally it annihilated me. 🙂
I love Stumbleupon, I can get lost in there for hours. It’s so addictive!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!