Maureen pointed me to Steve Pavlina, who blogged about an amazing video of Fred Rogers addressing the U.S. Senate in 1969.
(Note, too, a good commentary at, also referenced by Pavlina.)
Pavlina uses it to show the power of tremendous authenticity. And yes, it’s that, but it’s much more than that. Tommy Lee is authentic–an authentic chucklehead.
Authenticity alone will not take you all the way to remarkable.
If you want to learn what it means to speak from a place of perfect integrity, passion, and sanity, make a study of this video. Take special note of the way Rogers effortlessly cuts through the environment of irony and cynicism.
I have to confess, my family wasn’t big on Mr. Rogers when I was growing up. He was too square, too buttoned-up. We were more a Sesame Street & Electric Company household–urban and sophisticated. Plus, Lady Elaine Fairchilde gave me the serious willies.
Now that he’s gone, I wish we still had Fred Rogers around. We really need him.
Mr. Rodgers and his gentle speech seemed too beta when he was alive. Now, it seems sane and considerate in an age of rudeness and self absorbtion.